秋の夕焼け鎌をとげ、秋の朝照り隣へ行くな Aki no yuuyake kama wo toge, Aki no asaderi tonari e yukuna.

  • 解釈:秋の夕焼けは翌日好天となる前触れだから、鎌を研いで野良仕事の準備をせよ、秋の朝焼けは雨の前触れだから近所へ行くのも取りやめよということ。
  • Literal:The evening glow of autumn should grind a sickle. The morning gloss of autumn should not go to a neighboring house.
  • Interpretation:Because, it becomes fine weather on the next day following evening glow. The day of a morning glow, it rains.
  • 類義:秋の夕焼け鎌といで待て、五月の夕焼け蓑着て待て。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.